Pranayama For Beauty | Exercise For Glowing Skin | Treatment, Tips & Cure in Tamil

2016-01-06 235

Pranayam is a form of yoga exercise, which cleanses your internal system and maintains the moisture balance in your body. These breathing exercises increase the vital force inside the body.

Meaning :

Prana means force and ayama means stretching so Pranayam means stretching the breath in Sanskrit.

Technique :

Kapal Bhati

Sit cross legged, inhale, and exhale forcefully making a puffing sound.
Exhale with your abdominal muscles inward and inhale with the abdominal muscles outward.
Do this 10 times.
Anulom Vilom

Anulom in Sanskrit means alternate and is done by sitting cross legged.
Keep the right thumb on the right nostril and exhale through the left. Inhale through the same nostril.
With the ring finger close the left nostril and inhale through the right and exhale through the same.
Exhale until lungs are full and do this for fifteen minutes everyday early morning and in the evenings.
Bhastrika Pranayam

Sit on cross legged pose, keep your hands on the knees, and relax.
Inhale through both the nostrils and fill your lungs with air.
Exhale with a hissing sound and apply force. ]\
Inhale without blowing abdomen instead blows the chest.
Do this for five minutes everyday.
Benefits :

Pranayam is good for the skin.
It keeps the skin glowing and cleanses your inner soul.
Relieves you from all kinds of tensions and stress.
You can look radiant and beautiful with a new glow on your face.
It helps tto maintain the breathing equilibrium inside.
Pranayam is a way of attaining peace within oneself and keeps you happy as well as beautiful.
Pranayam is the best kind of yoga exercise, which is good for the mind, body, and soul. Those with blood pressure and other heart problems should do this under medical supervision. It is a perfect way to enhance your inner as well as outer beauty.

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